September 30, 2009

Just the Right Song

How many of us can listen to a song and instantly return to a moment in time? Music is such a powerful force. Generations each have their own songs that they can sing every lyric. My favorite type is country. As I was pouring through songs trying to figure out a name for this blog it brought me to several moments in time.

Fairly new song, called Small Town U.S.A... well I
definitely grew up there. Little town called Blanchard, Oklahoma which when I was younger was much smaller than it is today... AND IT'S STILL TINY!!! This song though really really reminds me of how this little town used to be and really it's how I feel about life. It talks about living a simple life, and Sundays full of grace. Working hard to have just enough to get by. This is my life, and I really don't think I'd have it any other way.

One of my favorite memories growing up was catching crawdads for Grandpa and Dad to go fishing with. Floating around somewhere is a picture of me, my cousin Becky (she was the "co-hunter") and my Grandpa with a big fish he caught. Back then that fish was HUGE.

The point to this is everyone should seek out these songs that make them smile and transport them back in time. Even new songs can bring up old memories or in some instances remind you to take it all in and keep it forever. Like the song "It Won't Be Like This For Long". It's about a mans children growing which makes me really take in all the little things my niece and nephew do that are completely adorable.

That being said... I'm hoping this blog brings a smile to a lot of peoples faces and makes us all remember the little things in life we love.